British Values

At Wood Fold, our curriculum is broad and balanced and will help prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain.

Within the curriculum and our school life, we will be raising the profile of British Values by actively promoting the fundamental British rules of democracy, rules of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of all with different faiths and beliefs.

All of our children are inspired to reach their academic potential.  Through many different experiences, including residentials, we encourage and develop a range of life skills such as independence and initiative.  We encourage all of our children to be tolerant of each other’s differences and to respect everyone.  Finally, our children are taught the history of Britain dating back thousands of years and up to World War 2 and beyond.

Here are examples of the way British Values are built into our curriculum and whole school life.


The culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities. Voting and elections are based on personal opinion and not influenced by others

  • Children are involved in the democratic process e.g. voting and nominating within PSHE, voting for school councillors and eco-councillors. They have regular meetings and have their voices heard.
  • Staff, pupil and parent questionnaires allow the school to act upon any comments raised, and allow the people’s opinions to be known.
  • Through the broad and balanced curriculum, children learn how to debate in many different subjects, and defend their points of view.

Rule of Law

The need for rules and boundaries to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work (learn) in. Also, understanding the consequences if rules are not followed

  • Clear and fair ‘class rules’ which were drawn up by pupils and staff at the start of the year through the PSHE Jigsaw scheme.
  • Fair positive discipline behaviour policy which encourages children to take responsibility for their actions. This is also shared with parents. Rules and boundaries are also established and followed through on the playground.
  • Throughout history topics such as Crime and Punishment, Victorians, Ancient Greeks and Egyptians, children look at how the law has changed over time, making comparisons and relating to current law and legislation.
  • During PE lessons and sporting competitions outside of school, the children understand that the referee makes the final decisions and these must be followed.
  • Annual visits from authorities such as the local police, fire service, NHS.
  • Lessons for all children on E-safety and how to keep themselves safe online though the Computing and PSHE curriculum.

Individual Liberty

The right to believe, act and express oneself freely. It is the protection of your rights and the rights of others through freedom of speech

  • Weekly reflection assemblies in PSHE both in class and as key stage.
  • Class charter has been devised by the children- they are given ‘right to pass’.
  • Weekly achievement assemblies which celebrate success at school and from home.
  • Mindfulness activities carried out to give the children the chance to express themselves freely.
  • Through the curriculum, the children are taught about role models, people of inspiration such as Miles Standish, Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, etc and those who fought for equality and freedom.
  • Many lessons and units of work explore children’s opinions. As a school, we teach how to do this positively.
  • A wide range of extra-curricular activities and clubs are on offer, and the children are actively encouraged to make their own choices in a safe and supportive environment.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Understanding that we don’t all share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own

  • RE lessons and assemblies promote tolerance and respect for others through actively promoting diversity through exploring different cultures and beliefs. We promote the celebrations of different faiths and cultures and learn how people from other cultures live and work.
  • Jigsaw PSHE curriculum, taught by the teacher explicitly teaches children to be tolerant and understanding of others’ differences. Comparison in Geography of different cultures and ways of life such as study of Kenya, study of Ghana.
  • The children have the opportunity to visit places of worship that are important to different faiths and cultures.
  • Lots of opportunities for debates and personal opinions to take place during lessons e.g. RE, Science, PSHE, PE and English.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development

At Wood Fold Primary School, we aim to provide a caring environment where every child can thrive and is supported to achieve their unique and amazing potential.  As such, this means that the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is at the heart of what we do and is everyone’s responsibility.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development is promoted not only through planned opportunities across all the subjects of our enriching curriculum, but also through the ethos and culture of the school and the development of positive attitudes and values. Whenever additional opportunities to develop SMSC occur, we seize these moments to further encourage the children’s understanding and growth. There are many examples of this at Wood Fold:

Spiritual Development

  • Whole School Assemblies and prayer
  • Lesson and Assembly Reflections
  • PSHE curriculum
  • Aspects of Keeping Ourselves Safe lessons
  • Circle Time / discussion in class
  • RE – reflections and discussions
  • Mindfulness activities
  • Extra-Curricular clubs such as Yoga
  • Visits
  • School and Eco Council
  • Residential Visits
  • Play Leaders
  • Buddy scheme with Reception and Y6.

Moral Development

  • School and Class Rules
  • E-Safety Week and Internet Safety Lessons
  • Bikeability
  • School Monitors/ Play Leaders
  • School and Eco Council
  • RE Curriculum Planning
  • Anti-Bullying teaching through PSHE
  • Community Police Officer visits
  • Celebration / Values Assemblies
  • Class Reward Systems
  • Whole School Charity Events
  • British Values
  • Charity Work - supporting Wigan & Leigh Hospice, The Brick Christmas Hamper Appeal
  • NSPCC Whole School Workshops
  • Fire Safety Talks

Social Development

  • Sporting Teams and Events
  • School and Eco Council Leaders, including voting in class
  • Charity Fund Raising
  • School Performances – Year 2 Christmas Performance/ Year 5/6 production/ Year 6 Leavers Assembly/ KS2 Christmas Carol Concert
  • Involvement in community events – Carol singing / Choir Visits
  • Year 6 Transition Days at Standish High and Shevington High
  • Reception ‘People Who Help Us’ Day
  • Selling Poppies for the British Royal Legion – visit to Cenotaph
  • Home - School Agreement
  • PTFA Events including Easter Bingo, Family Quiz night, and Christmas / Summer Fairs
  • Attendance Awards
  • Class and School Monitors
  • PSHE curriculum
  • World Book Day
  • In-class Assembly
  • Newsletters / School Website
  • Inter - School Challenges
  • Careers Week - Y6.

Cultural Development

  • In- class Assembly
  • Newsround
  • Visits to Place of Worship – Church / Mosque
  • Theatre Visits
  • Wigan Schools Music Service performance
  • Nativity and Easter Performances
  • Assemblies- cultural traditions
  • Remembrance Day Assemblies
  • Spanish Lessons
  • Chinese New Year
  • RE / Geography / History / Art / Music / Dance
  • RE – handling artefacts
  • Careers Week Y6

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Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane