Promoting British Values
British Values are defined as:
- Democracy
- The rule of the law
- Equal opportunity for all
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and religions.
We support this by encouraging and supporting children to:
- Be honest
- Be friendly
- Trust people
- Appreciate what we have
- Keep on trying
- Be kind
- Understand that sometimes we are the same and sometimes we are different
- Share and take turns
- Take responsibility Be fair
We do this by:
Promoting inclusivity
Using the key person system to create warm trusting relationships between children and adults working in the nursery
Staff role modelling positive social, moral and cultural values and supporting parents to do the same. Having a focus on personal, social and emotional development to develop children’s confidence, self-esteem and independence.
Encouraging and supporting children to work together in groups so they can learn to be with and play with others
Supporting children to develop the characteristics of effective learning which enables children to begin to become self-reflective and consider how they should behave
Having a positive approach to behaviour management which reinforces positive behaviour using books and popular culture to share and discuss value based messages.
Using first hand experiences and everyday events to promote positive values e.g. comforting a child who is upset
Developing children’s understanding of our school community and the community they live and how people are sometimes the same and sometimes different
Introducing children to cultural and religious practices and events in a way that is meaningful for them