Y3P 17/1/25
Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 11:34am
To begin the week, Y3P had their first drama lessons with Mrs Jones. It was lovely to see all the children being involved with the different acting within certain scenes. The children were able to read examples of scripts and take on the role of different characters. Some children then performed this to the rest of the class.
In Science, the children have started to explore different types of rocks, they can name examples of Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous rocks. They can also describe how each rock is formed.
In Geogroahy, the children looked at rivers and how they are a body of water that travels across the land. The children could also name some famous rivers in the world!
In English, the children have been retrieving information from the text to support their answers. They have been introduced to different characters within our text, such as Amir and Uncle Kandaraja.
In Maths, the children have been multiplying two digit numbers by 1 digit numbers and also dividing two digit numbers by 1 digit, I have been very proud of their resilience.
In PE, the children practised different moves, jumps and transitions within Gymnastics.
In Spanish, the children have learnt different types of animals such as un gato, un perro, un pez, un oso and many more!
Clubs are due to commence again from Monday 20th January.