11/10/24 Y3P
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 3:52pm
In Art, the children explored different pencil techniques such as shading. The children then practised printing with bubble wrap and corrugated card ahead of designing and creating their final pieces next week. Please can the children bring in an old shirt or top on Monday 14th October as the children will be using paint to create their final piece.
In English, the Children have continued to follow the journey the yetis are making and have answered reading questions, related to the chapters they have had read.
In Science, the children have looked at the life cycle of a plant and what germination, pollination and seed diserpsal is.
In Geography, the children have been looking out how farming has changed over the past 100 years, and positives and negatives of farming.
In PE this week, the children practised chest pass techniques used in Netball.
In Spanish, the children have practiced the numbers 1-10
On Thursday, we celebrated World Mental Health Day. It was great to see the children in their bright colours in honour of the important day and enjoying the activities that took place.
Another busy week completed in Y3P, well done everyone!