7/02/2025 Y4K

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 3:33pm

In Year 4, we have had a week of fun and hard work!
In English, we've delved into direct speech, focusing on the conversations between the mythological characters Thanatos and Hypnos. The children have engaged in various activities, with the highlight being role-playing these characters with partners. The enthusiasm and creativity displayed in bringing these ancient figures to life have been truly remarkable!
Our Maths lessons have been all about tackling the challenge of dividing 2-digit numbers and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. We've also explored divisions that leave remainders, and it's been wonderful to see the children embracing these concepts.
In DT, we've rolled up our sleeves and made switches for our spotlight projects. After crafting our switches, we thoroughly tested and evaluated them to ensure they'll function perfectly in our final pieces.
In Science, we have experimented with simple circuits, trying out different materials to determine which ones are insulators and which are conductors.
We've continued our relentless practice of times tables, and we're proud to see the children making tremendous progress. Their dedication to practicing at home is truly paying off, and we couldn't be prouder. Keep up the excellent work!
Homework for the Week This week's homework includes spellings, an Art Carousel quiz, and the continued practice of rapid recall of times tables on Times Tables Check 2025. The link for this website can be found on the homework slip.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend!
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Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane