Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 2:43pm
We've had another busy week in Year 2 this week and lots of new learning has taken place.
In English, we have continued to read 'The Baker's Boy and the Great Fire of London'. The children are really enjoying the story and learning more and more about this historical event. This week, Will and Samuel Pepys discovered a note that revealed that there was gunpowder in the Tower of London. Can Will and Samuel get their hands on the gunpowder before it's too late?
In Maths, we have continued looking at shape. We have explored faces, vertices and edges of 3D shapes and have continued repeated patterns. Next week, we will be moving on to money.
In Science, we learned that a habitat is a natural home or environment where an animal or plant lives and grows. We looked at different types of habitats and the living things that live there.
In History, we discussed the reasons why the fire burned for so long. The weather was very hot at the time and there had been very little rainfall. The buildings were built very close together and the streets were extremely narrow. The buildings were constructed from timber, straw and pitch, which were incredibly flammable materials and the fire fighting equipment at the time was very basic.
In PSHE, we have been discussing money. We began by exploring the different ways that we can earn money and then we explored different methods of payment. Today, we talked about the importance of looking after our money and keeping it safe.
We are already looking forward to another fun packed week in Year 2.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Morris 😊