24/1/25 Y3G
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:08pm
This week, the children have been learning to thread a needle in DT! We were so impressed at the resilience when taking the time to carefully line up the thread with the eye of a needle. It is a very tricky skill to master, but the whole class had a good go at it. After that, the children were taught how to tie a knot in their thread. Again, this is a very difficult skill which we will be continuing to practise over the next few weeks. At that point, we were ready to practise the running stitch on a piece of fabric. The children enjoying using their skills from year two which will help them when we learn to do the over stitch next week.
I have been hugely impressed with Y3G's attempts with division this week. We explored diving numbers that had remainders using flexible partitioning. This reinforced the importance of times tables knowledge which helped the children massively.
This week, we identified and plotted famous rivers in the UK and world. The children used both digimaps and atlases to locate the rivers and plot them on their own maps. They even made a key to show the different continents around the world.
In Drama, the children deeply explored the main characters of A Midsummer's Night Dream.they used facial expressions and body language to portray the different characters and created a sound scape or the magic forest for the characters to wander through.
The children loved playing our new times table game 'hands' this week. One partner would show a number of their hands, the other partner had to multiply that number by 8 and give the answer. The whole class were super excited to have a go at either quizzing their friends or giving the answers back! Keep practising those timestables!
Finally, this week, we have written a diary entry in the role of Selvi. I was WOWED by everyone's efforts with vocabulary and exciting phrases to show how they were feeling. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every single piece of work! Well done!