22/11/24 RH

Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 3:36pm


This week we have continued learning about penguins and the children have been recalling facts brilliantly. We have learned about the way the male emperor penguin cares for his egg and chick. The children cut out pictures of the different life stages: egg, chick, fledgling and adult penguin and created their own penguin life cycles. The children were very excited to see snow on Tuesday and couldn’t wait to get outdoors and explore. It has fitted well with our work on penguins, and I think they began to appreciate how cold snow and ice can feel! We have been noticing the changes taking place around us as the season turns to winter.

In PE this week the children were practising different rolls with Mr Carr and he was very impressed by their progress. Mrs Jones was equally impressed with the way that the children are learning their song for the Christmas production and I have to say, I am blown away by the way they are remembering all the words already!

In Maths we are exploring the numbers 1-5 including ‘1 more and 1 less’ and have sang different rhymes to help us remember key facts. In English, the children have used an animation, Pingu, to inspire their drawing and writing. We even designed a vegetable ice-lolly for Pingu to make sure he ate his vegetables!

Well done as always to our star of the week and dojo winner.

Mrs Harris

Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane