
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 1:41pm

In Year 4 this week we have worked really hard in English to put ourselves in the shoes of our main character in The Great Chocoplot, Jelly. We have written a recount about Jelly visiting the High Street and seeing Garibaldi Chocolati whip up the crowd into a frenzy over the ‘chocopocalypse’.

In Maths, we have started to look at addition and subtraction up to 4 digits and we have been busy practising our times-tables, we are currently learning our 8 x.

This week in Geography, we have been exploring the threats to cocoa production.  We looked at: deforestation, climate change, pests and diseases and economic factors. Children worked in tables to create a graphic organiser on flip chart paper which was then recalled and transferred into their books.

In DT, we have continued working on our chocolate cushions. We have used templates to measure and cut out the different pieces required for the cushion. We have also been practicing our skills with the fabric scissors and cut out the letters for the chosen chocolate bar. We then sewed these onto the front of the wrapper using one of the stitches we have practised in previous lessons.

During Science, we developed our knowledge of food chains. We can now explain what a producer, consumer, predator or prey within a food chain.

Have a restful and well deserved half term everyone!


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Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane