18/10/24 RB
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 9:52pm
This week the children have stepped into our new topic, ‘Light and Dark.’
In English, the children have been exploring the Jill Murphy text, Peace at Last, where Mr Bear finds it difficult to sleep and inadvertently learns about all the different sounds at night in the garden. We introduced the words ‘nocturnal’ and ‘diurnal’ and what these words meant. Then sorted animals into these two different categories. The children particularly enjoyed listening to the sounds of different animals at night and they all thought the owls were very relaxing!
The children have been learning about shadows and have made shadow animals with their hands, torches and white paper.
in PE, the children have been continuing to learn fundamental skills including catching.
In phonics, we have continued with the Unit 3 sounds b, c, g, h and have even completed two dictation lessons where the children have written words independently. They have really impressed me with their ‘can do’ attitudes and willingness to become independent learners.
In maths, we have been exploring the mathematical concept of subitising. The children have played some fun games challenging each other in pairs to subitise, using both the dots from dice and their fingers.
On Monday we went to the Forest School. The children collected lots of leaves and then made leaf animals! There were some amazing ones including a fish, which they managed to float on the water. The children then explored the forest and a group were excited to discover a shield bug on a tree near the wishing well. This evoked lots of discussion and the children managed to take a photograph of their find!
Congratulations to our Star of the Week and Dojo winners.
So, this marks the end of a fun and successful first half term. The children have been amazing and I hope they enjoy their half-term holiday, whatever they may be doing. Thank you for all your support and I will see you a week on Monday!
Mrs Burland