17/01/2025 Y4K
Date: 18th Jan 2025 @ 10:33am
We have had a great week in Y4 this week!
We are so impressed with how our masks have turned out in Art and we have been so excited to see them mounted and put on display in the corridors; they really do look sensational!
In Maths we have been using out times tables knowledge to understand factor pairs. We’ve continued working diligently on this topic and have now moved our learning into multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children have seen just how important achieving rapid recall of all multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 is and that we all need to continue to work on these at home. Rapid recall means being able to answer a multiplication question, such as 7x 6, without counting up in multiples, eg knowing quickly (within 6 seconds) that the answer is 42 without having to count in 6s (6, 12, 18. 24, 30, 36, 42). It just takes practice! We would really appreciate your support with this at home, 5-10 mins a day will have a huge impact. Tackle one set at a time, work on achieving rapid recall of the first 4, out of sequence, then the next 4, then the next, until you can answer all 12 confidnetly, then move onto the next times table. If you need any help or support with this, feel free to ask.
In our English lessons, we’ve been diving into the fascinating world of Greek mythology. We've analysed the characters of Hermes and Zeus, exploring their personalities in depth. This has been an exciting way to enhance our understanding of character traits, devloping both our inference skills and our ability to find evidence in the text. Our English lessons are closely linked to our History topic, where we’ve been learning about the Ancient Greeks beliefs and their gods and goddesses, discovering fun facts about these legendary figures. My personal favourite is Artemis, what's yours?
In Science, we've started a new topic on electricity. We began by looking at different electrical appliances, learning about those powered by batteries and mains electricity. The children should be able to explain what an appliance is and give some examples. Our science is linked to our DT this term where we will design and make a spotlight that could be used on stage!
This week, our homework will be a mix of a Carousel activitiy, recalling previous learning on famous explorers the children learned about in Y1 and Y2, spellings, and times tables. Keep up the practice and continue working on your rapid recall skills!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Kelly