Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 5:16pm
We have had a very busy week with lots of exciting learning taking place in Year 2.
In Maths, we have continued with our money topic. We looked at comparing different amounts of money, making a pound and also giving change. We are looking forward to starting our new multiplication and division topic after the half term break.
During our DT lessons this week, we have been exploring which ingredients we will need to use when we make our cakes. We discussed the purpose of each ingredient and how they will make our cake taste delicious! We also looked at a range of different cake recipies.
In Science, we have been learning about micro-habitats. It was fascinating looking at the different micro-habitats and learning which animals we can find in each of the different habitats.
We have now finished reading our text in English 'The Baker's Boy'. We discussed the different emotions that Will felt throughout the story and how proud he felt at the end of the text when the fire was finally out.
Well done Y2 for all your hard work this term, I am exterrmely proud of you all!
Enjoy the half term break and we will see you ready and eager to learn on the 24th February.
Mrs Morris