Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 3:59pm
What a week!
In History, we have learnt all about the Neolithic Settlement, Skara Brae. The children conducted their own research to gather information about where it is, what is contains and how the settlement was unearthed by a storm. We have explored all the similarities and differences between Stone Age, Bronze Ago and Iron Age homes. This helped develop a good understanding of how their lifestyles changed and ways in which life improved in Britain over the Prehistoric Period.
In English, the children wrote wonderful retells from Lou's perspective on arriving at the Stone Age camp. Exciting adjectives were used along with small sections of dialogue to narrate the story with detail. We also finished reading Stig of The Dump. The children loved how Stone Henge was included in the plot and how Barney still looks about for 'Stigs'.
In Science, we have started to explore the muscles and bones within the body. The children can identify and name the: spine, skull, ribcage, femur and (Elvis) pelvis. We have developed an understanding of how tendons attach the muscles to the bones and how the muscles work in pairs by contracting and relaxing.
I'd like to give a shout out to the whole class on their amazing efforts with their times tables this week. We have looked at both multiplication and division questions in this weeks timestable focus and quiz and the children were very successful with their efforts. Well done!