
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 3:54pm

This week has been a very exciting week, culminating in the children performing in their very first Christmas performance. I have been impressed not only by their ability to learn and perform their song, but by their patience and resilience. It can be very daunting performing in front of such a large audience and they very brave.  We are very grateful to Mrs Jones, who taught the children the song in their music lessons and I’m sure you will agree she did an amazing job!

In our English lessons this week we have based our learning on ‘Luna loves Christmas’ by Joseph Coelho. In the story Luna delivers food parcels with her family and it helped the children understand the donations that were sent in for the Brick.

We have almost completed our Christmas stockings which will come home at the end of term. We have concluded our History topic by comparing pictures of postal workers from now and in the past.

We added Christmas gift wrapping into our creative area this week and the children have embraced this with enthusiam! The week has flown by and I can’t believe there’s only one more week to go. Thank you all for embracing all of our Christmas activities and supporting with the different donations – there is so much to remember at this time of year!

Well done as always to our star of the week and dojo winner.

Mrs Harris

Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane