11/10/24 Y2M

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 2:55pm

We have had another great week in Y2M!

In Maths, we have been counting forwards and backwards in our 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also been focusing on recalling our 10 times table. Next week, we will be moving on to Addition and Subtraction. 

In English, we have continued to read 'Katie in London'. Katie, Jack and the Lion went on the London Eye and saw some of the most amazing sights. We then collected nouns and adjectives to help us build sentences. 

In History, we explored the Queen's involvement with the armed forces. The children learned that Queen Elizabeth joined the army in 1945 and trained to become a motor mechanic. She was taught how to change wheels, replace engines and drive cars, trucks and ambulances. 

During PSHE, we have looked at the importance of rules and the difference between rules and laws. 

On Thursday 10th October, we celebrated 'World Mental Health Day' by wearing something yellow or something brightly coloured. We talked about the importance of being kind to ourselves and doing things that make us smile. 

In PE, we have been using the underarm throw. 

In achievement assembly this morning, Y2M won the award for the most class points, very well deserved! 

Have a lovely weekend! 😊

Mrs Morris 

Our Mission Ethos & Aims

Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane