07/02/2025 RT
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:30pm
This week we have started to learn about toys from the past. We read ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ by Davis Lucas in drawing club and thought of ways to help Bunting the cat travel around the museum faster. We have talked about our favourite toys and it was lovely to hear some of the discussions the children have had at home about the toys their grown ups played with when they were young. The children have been very busy creating signs for our toy shop and have enjoyed role playing with the money in our till. We have also introduced a puppet theatre which has been very popular and sparked lots of creativity and storytelling.
In Maths, we continued working with the numbers 6,7 and 8 and began finding pairs and doubles within these numbers. The children have also enjoyed learning a new song all about doubling. The children were amazed by the ‘magic doubling cauldron’!
During PE, the children have been practising underarm throwing with partners and have practised their catching skills as well as using accuracy to throw at targets.
In music the children sang ‘The dragon dance’ song. They created their own Chinese New Year composition on the glockenspiels using the notes C, D, E, G and A.
Well done to all our award winners this week, we are very proud of you.
Have a lovely weekend 😊