04.10.24 Y2H
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 2:51pm
We have had a jam packed week in Y2H this week, with lots of new learning taking place.
In maths, we have continued to explore 'Place Value'. We have been using mathematical language such as 'greater than, less than and equal to' to compare numbers and we have been working on securing our 5 times tables.
This week, in English, we have started reading our new class text 'Katie in London' by James Mayhew. We discussed how the Lion felt when he first came alive and what the people thought when they saw the Lion for the first time.
In DT, the children had a go with some sewing. First, we used binka and then we moved on to felt. Some children showed skill by threading the needle independently.
Queen Elizabeth's jubilees were the focus of our History lessons this week. We explored the different ways that people have celebrated the Queen's Jubilees over the years.
In Science, we looked at the meaning of the word 'offspring'. The children sorted pictures of animals with their young and created a graphic organiser.
Queen Elizabeth's jubilees were the focus of our History lessons this week. We explored the different ways that people have celebrated the Queen's Jubilees over the years.
In Science, we looked at the meaning of the word 'offspring'. The children sorted pictures of animals with their young and created a graphic organiser.
In PSHE, we had a valuable discussion about kind and unkind actions. Y2H were brilliant at differentiating between kind and unkind actions and sorted images into the correct categories.
Well done for another brilliant week in Year 2, have a lovely weekend, refresh your batteries and I will see you all on Monday for another week of learning.