04/10/24 RB
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 4:03pm
What a busy week we have had in RB. It was a shame on Monday that we could not go to the forest because of the bad weather but we did bring the forest to us! The children enjoyed drawing leaves, doing leaf rubbing and making a forest promise.
We have continued to learn about dinosaurs. Their knowledge has amazed me and maybe we could have some future palaeontologists within our class😊 🦖
In Maths, we have been exploring size, mass and capacity. The children have explored balance scales, heavier and lighter and have made potions to investigate which containers hold more and less liquid.
in Sounds~Write we have learnt three new sounds, /n/ /o/ and /p/. We are really excited to be sending reading books home next week which will be discussed at our reading meeting on Monday.
In English, we have explored the traditional tale, Little Red Riding Hood and the children have had fun retelling the story using props. They have tried really hard to be in character and use different voices within their retell
Our Inspire target this week has been to try to be 'Nurturing Characters.' I have seen children displaying very kind behaviour, supporting friends if they have been upset and making sure no one has been left out when playing. This has been lovely to see.
Well done to our Star of the Week and Dojo winner~ we are all very proud of you
We have also continued to explore signs of Autumn and the children have drawn pictures to show their understanding of what they might see in this season
Have a great weekend
Mrs Burland 😊