Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 3:59pm
We have settled back down quickly after half term and enjoyed a busy and productive week in Y4.
We have finished off our learning in science about the digestive system and food chains and completed our end of unit assessments. In Geography, we have finished our learning about cocoa production and we were very excited to see how our English text, The Great Chocoplot, related directly to our learning about the threats to cocoa production. Ask us about mealy bugs and the cocoa pod borer!
We have worked so hard on our sewing skills this week, there have been a few pricked fingers when sewing our letters onto our chocolate bar cushions! The cushions now just need stuffing and sewing up. See the photos for a sneak peek of a few of them.
In Maths, we have been developing our understanding of addition and exactly what happens when we exchange. We are learning to explain that we are exchanging ten ones for one ten, ten tens for one hundred or ten hundreds for one thousand.
We are very excited to start our new topics next week when we will begin our new text, Who Let the Gods Out? and start our history topic about Ancient Greece.
We are on a trip to Eureka on Thursday next week, we aim to be back home for 3:15pm traffic dependent. If we are going to significantly delayed we will update you via school spider.
A super week, Y4, well done!