01/11/2024 - Y1D

Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 3:34pm

Our week has been full of exciting new learning which has included how to use our part whole models to write number sentences. The children have enjoyed using their part-whole models with counters to support their learning and towards the end of the week they have begun to learn about fact families.

In English, the children have begun to read our new class text ‘Lost and Found’. They have been exploring the feelings of the penguin and thinking about the thoughts of the boy at finding a penguin at his door. The children are showing us how they can consistently include capital letters and full stops in their sentences.

In DT, the children have started to investigate which products they could make that will keep their hands warm during the cold Winter months on the yard!

In History the children have been historians and examined images of Standish to decide whether they are in the past or the present. We discussed how it isn’t whether the photo is in black and white or colour that determines its age we have to find the evidence in the photo.

In Science, we have begun our Autumn topic. The children were excellent at recalling everything they already know about the four different seasons. Next week we will be going on an Autumn walk around the school grounds to spot the signs of Autumn.

This week the homework is Mymaths which is set online, the activities can be accessed with your child’s individual login.

Y1R Have been to the forest this week and enjoyed their time exploring the wooded area!

The Year 1 team are proud of how well Year 1 have returned to school this week after the half term and enjoyed all the spooky hairstyles and hair bands the children wore to celebrate Halloween!

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Contact us at Wood Fold Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs R Gough
SENCO: Miss Lewis
Green Lane